Thursday, December 18, 2008

Grade Statistics File Updated has been updated to include all graded items in the course.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Additional Code Analysis Practice

I posted the problems I came up with in the review session but didn't have time to present. They can be found on the DBoard.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Vote for review topics

There will be a review session on Sunday, 14 Dec, in Wean 7500 from 3:00-4:30. You can vote for the topics you would most like to see covered by going to this link:$=L5FA2AA9B6A73651C6C0&D$ See the current poll status here:$=any&S$=L5FA2AA9B6A73651C6C0&D$

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Final Review Session

There will be a review session for the final Sunday, 14 Dec, in Wean 7500 from 3:00-4:30. TAs will be available to answer individual questions from 4:30-5:00. More details soon.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Practice Final

Last year's final is available for practice:

Videos available for exam prep/review

Videos are available, at last. Here is how to watch: Click on the "videos" link on the left. (This used to direct you to last fall's lectures.) Click student. You'll be asked to authenticate. The user name to use is "[yourandrewID]" along with your usual andrew password. Note the "ad" in the domain. Note also that if your authentication fails, go to myandrew and reset your password to itself. (Why this works I cannot explain.) Use the slide tray on the bottom to navigate. Videos that show powerpoint directly have a search function that you can use to find specific material -- the index is built from text on the slides. Try also the note-taking tab. Apologies for not getting these out sooner, but the video folks have had technical problems supporting us. let me know if any problems. --Bill

Chess Competition Scores on Frontdesk

You should check that your score was correctly entered; the script that processes the scores is known to get a few wrong each semester. Direct general questions to the discussion board. If you think an error was made in calculating your score, please contact your TA.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Grade Stats Updated

The grade statistics file has been updated to include midterm2, quiz4, compression, and socialnet grades.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Chess Split Submission

Since many students have been having trouble getting their competitive code to compile on Frontdesk along with the unit-tested classes, we are going to split the handin. The chess assignment that is on Frontdesk now needs to compile, pass the unit tests, and have the theory questions completed. On Wednesday, I will create an assignment on Frontdesk called chess_competition, where each pair will need to submit the final version of the code you used on the server (it does not need to compile). You will not recieve points for BachChoy/JackBach/211 pool without submitting the final version of your code to the chess_competition assignment. Direct questions to the discussion board.