Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Final Exam Review Posted

The final exam review has been posted to the lectures portion of the site. As a reminder, the review will be on Sunday (May 2) from 2-4 PM in Wean 7500.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

course and TA evaluations

Please evaluate the course and your TA:

note sheet for final exam

As with the midterm, you may use a 1-page (front and back) handwritten note sheet during the final exam. Your sheet may not be typed or photocopied and must be handwritten by you.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Homework 6 (Chess) has been released

Homework 6 (both theory and programming) has been released. The programming portion has a fairly large amount of documentation, please read it carefully. You may work in partnerships of 2 for this assignment.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Graphs starter test updated

A change has been made to You can either download the stubs again and grab that file, or you can look on the Googlegroup (link) for a more detailed description of the changes if you'd rather patch them in manually.