Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Homework 3: Compression
Homework 3, a.k.a. Compression, is now available. The theory portion will be due at the start of recitation on 6 October 2010 and the programming portion will be due roughly a week later at 12:59pm on 12 October 2010. Remember, the programming assignments continue to increase in difficulty, so start early. Enjoy!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Picking up exams
We've decided that the most efficient means of handing back exams is via office hours and recitations. So, please wait until your TA's next office hour or recitation (whichever comes first) to pick up your exam. Sorry for the confusion.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Midterm 1 grades released
The grades for the midterm have been released. The mean and median scores were 44 and 45 points (out of 73 points total), respectively. You may pick up your exams at your TA's office hours or the next recitation (whichever comes first).
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Theory Homework Policy Clarification
From today onward, students who do not turn in the theory assignment by the beginning of their assigned recitation will get a 50% penalty if they hand it in by 3:30pm the day it is due. Beyond 3:30, the theory assignment will be graded as a zero.
Any student with special accommodations for the exam should send me and prof. Scherlis an email confirming the arrangements as soon as possible.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
LaTeX Published
A source file from our quick LaTeX intro has been published on the lectures schedule page. The PDF that it creates is also there for reference. Some of our favorite online LaTeX references are listed below.
- The 251 LaTeX wiki page. Thanks, guys!
- The Wikibook on LaTeX
- A (Not So) Short Introduction To LaTeX2e
- The Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (users group)
- The TeXLive Homepage
Here are some links to various LaTeX editing programs. One of the easiest ways to edit LaTeX, though, is to create and edit the .tex source file with emacs, vim, or your favorite text editor, and compile it with pdflatex on the command line.
Happy typesetting!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
FD Downtime
FrontDesk will be down until at least tomorrow evening while we do technical updates. You do not need it for the midterm review or snakes theory.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Midterm Review Posted
The midterm review material has been posted to the lectures portion of the site. We will go over the review on Sunday during the Midterm Review Session (2-4 PM, WEH 7500). Please note that solutions may not be released, so you should attend the review if you are interested in confirming your answers.
Good luck studying!
Snakes Updated
Hi All,
There was a slight error in the snakes theory.pdf file. The list of hash codes in figure four was incomplete. It showed up as
which was text that was left over from drafting the assignment. The real list of hash codes you should use is<9, 10, 10>
<17, 12, 128, 10, 7, 14, 129, 132, 127, 96, 42>
The theory.pdf and files linked on the lecture page and from FrontDesk now reflect this.
Sorry for the confusion!
-- Ian
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Snakes Released!
Homework 2, Snakes, has been released! It is available on FrontDesk immediately.
The theory portion of Snakes will be due at the start of next week's recitation, which is 22 September 2010. The theory portion has been scaled back slightly due to the late release of the assignment. The programming portion will be due roughly a week later at 23:59 on 28 September 2010.
To address the latency and responsiveness issues that we had with Expression Trees, FrontDesk will be down for a period of time this weekend as it migrates to new hardware. You may submit partial solutions to snake to FrontDesk before then if you wish, but you should not count on them still being there when FrontDesk returns next week. There will be more detailed announcements about this outage as it becomes relevant.
The theory portion of Snakes will be due at the start of next week's recitation, which is 22 September 2010. The theory portion has been scaled back slightly due to the late release of the assignment. The programming portion will be due roughly a week later at 23:59 on 28 September 2010.
To address the latency and responsiveness issues that we had with Expression Trees, FrontDesk will be down for a period of time this weekend as it migrates to new hardware. You may submit partial solutions to snake to FrontDesk before then if you wish, but you should not count on them still being there when FrontDesk returns next week. There will be more detailed announcements about this outage as it becomes relevant.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Midterm Review Session Sunday 2-4
We will have a midterm review session on Sunday (9/19/10) from 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM in WEH 7500. The midterm review sheet will be posted shortly.
HW2 (snakes) Delayed
The release of HW2 will be delayed slightly. It should have come out last night as HW1 was being collected, but didn't. It will be out later this evening.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Aaron will not have office hours today
I became violently ill over the weekend and have not fully recovered. As a result, I am canceling my office hours today. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and I would encourage you to visit Andrew or Jon who also have office hours today.
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
LaTeX Tutorial (update)
The LaTeX tutorial will be held tonight from 5:30-6:30 in Doherty Hall room 1112.
Monday, September 06, 2010
Videos now online
The lecture videos are now available via the Lectures link on the portal page. Everyone currently registered and able to authenticate via should be able to click through. The value of the videos: (1) Search, based on slide content, so you can rapidly find that explanation of the Master Theorem or other bit of content, and (2) Note-taking, both private and public (be civil), that also supports search. The videos are not intended (or particularly useful) as a substitute for appearing at the lecture. Please send us comments and suggestions.
Sunday, September 05, 2010
Update to HW1 Theory
The theory assignment was just updated to fix some inconsistencies in question 3. The source and PDF have been updated in the "lectures" section of the portal.
LaTeX Tutorial
Due to popular demand, the TAs will be running a short tutorial on using LaTeX. It will be on Tuesday evening from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. We're still working on getting a room, so we'll make an announcement about that when we know.
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Please attend the recitation that you are signed up for in FrontDesk. Do *not* go to another recitation. Your TA's have been instructed to not grade quizzes and theory questions handed in at the wrong section. We are sorry to have to be so strict, but we are already over the official enrollment limit. It is not fair to students who are officially enrolled to have to sit on the floor, nor is it fair to your TAs.
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
exprtree released
HW1 (expression trees) has been released on Front Desk! Note that the theory is available through the lectures portion of the site. The theory is due next Wednesday (Sep. 8) at the beginning of recitation, and the programming component is due the following Tuesday (Sep. 14). Please post any questions on the discussion board and feel free to come to office hours to get help. Good luck!
Lecture Portion of Website Fixed
Sorry for the long delay on the lectures portion of the website. There was an internal technical error. It has now been resolved, and the slides from past lectures are now up. Enjoy!
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