Friday, March 30, 2007

Graph Assignment Released

The graph assignment is now available on FrontDesk. It is due April 12 at 11:59PM, so you have two weeks to complete it. As many of you noticed last night, the job queue on FrontDesk can get quite long right before the deadline when a lot of people are submitting. Start early and this won't be a problem.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Lecture 20: Minimum Spanning Tree and Union Find

Slides (non-majors)

office hour change

I have permanently shifted my office hours by 30 minutes, to 3-430, starting today.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Burrows-Wheeler Transform Header

We did not fully specify the Burrows-Wheeler Header format in the assignment writeup, so please follow this addendum: Your header must be the first four bytes of the transformed files. It stores the start index value from highest order byte to lowest order byte. The provided example files reflect this header format for comparison purposes. Sorry for any confusion this caused.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Stuck in Chicago

To cut a long story short, I won't be back in Pittsburgh until late Monday night, and I need to cancel my office hours. If you have any pressing concerns, please try to contact another TA as I will not have internet access until I get back to school. Thank you

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Midterm Graders

The following questions were graded by the people listed below. Please approach them if you have any problems/questions with the grading. Thanks
  • BST - Brett, Ryan, Joy
  • Dockyard - Danny, Lawrence, Scott
  • Stones - Jon, Alex
  • MC - Klaus, Jon
  • R/B Trees - Margaret, Will, Drew

Course Portal Updated

We have just added a 'Documents' tab to the course website. Any new materials we post that are not lecture slides or recitation slides will go in this tab. The course schedule and spring 05 midterm have been moved to the new tab.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Midterms are Graded!

Midterms are graded. They will be returned in recitation tomorrow (Wednesday). There was a mean of 70.42 with a median of 72.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Test Tomorrow

For the test tomorrow, can those in sections G & H show up to DH 2315 rather than the original room. 2315 is a more comfortable room so should be better to take the test if we distribute people this way. Please spread the word.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Office Hours Moved

I'm going to move my office hours to tomorrow (Monday) since having them on Tuesday makes no sense. I'll have them from 10-11 PM in WeH 3130.

Office Hours Cancelled

I have an interview on Monday (tomorrow), so I have to cancel my office hours.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Burrows-Wheeler Lecture Notes Posted

Lecture notes for this algorithm have been posted in the lectures area (tab to the left). You'll need this description for the just-released data compression assignment.

Lecture 16: Burrows-Wheeler Compression

Sleator (html)

Spring 05 Midterm

The spring 05 midterm has been posted online and is available under the "Lectures" tab to the left.

Spring 05 Midterm

Spring 05 Midterm (pdf)

Friday, March 02, 2007

Midterm Review

This Sunday at 3:00 in WeH 7500 there will be a review session for Tuesday's midterm. Bring your questions!