Friday, September 30, 2011

Trees Practice and Exam Topics

A worksheet called "Trees Practice and Exam Topics" which may be helpful in preparing for the midterm has been added to the Lectures page. Note that the list of topics is not guaranteed to be complete, so be sure to check lecture slides and your notes for other possible topics.

Midterm Review

The Midterm review is at 1:00PM - 2:30PM in Gates Hall 4401(Rashid) on Sunday.

sample exam

We placed a sample Midterm Exam on the schedule page (click lectures on left). We are also organizing a midterm review session for this Sunday after noon. The time and location will be announced here as soon as we finalize things. So, check back soon.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Snakes Programming Due Date Extended

Since the Programming portion of HW2 (Snakes) was originally due the day after the Midterm, we decided to push it back a bit to allow you guys to focus on studying. The new due date is Monday, October 10th, at 11:59PM, at which time HW3 (Compression) will be released.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


After lecture on Tuesday, a student showed an apparent counter-example to the proof of the line sweep algorithm's correctness. I have updated the slides to cover that case. The algorithm is correct. By the way, it was co-invented by CMU faculty member Michael Shamos. Here is a link to the original paper.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Snakes Theory Fixes

There were a couple of typos in Problem 2 of the Theory assignment for Snakes (HW2). These have been fixed, and the corrected PDF/TEX files can be downloaded in a ZIP file from the lectures page. The image on the first page of the assignment is also in there, so that you can include the image in your homework submission. Sorry for any inconvenience, Shashank

Friday, September 23, 2011

Dong Bae's Office Hours Change

From next week, my office hours will shift to one hour later, so it will be from 1:30PM to 2:30PM on every Friday. I will make this regular office hours as kind of open ended as possible for people who need further help. Feel free to come by when you have any problem or question.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Updated slides

I mis-spoke in class when giving the answer to one of the AVL tree examples. I've updated the slides to give the correct answers (see slides 8 and 9). Sorry for the confusion.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Latex for Assignments

New latex resources have been added to the portal:
  • The Get Started page now outlines installing and running hello world in latex.
  • The Schedule page now lists HW1 theory as due on the 14th and has links to the pdf and to the latex template. In the future homework theory links will be created on the schedule as assignments are released.
Please use the latex template to complete HW1 theory.
Note that the due date in the programming submission theory outline is not correct for HW1. The HW1 theory is due on September 14 2011 in recitation.

Friday, September 09, 2011


Free, walk-in tutoring for 15-211 will be held each week on Tuesday nights from 8:30-11:00 p.m in Mudge Reading Room, starting Sept. 13.

Assignment 2 has been released

The second assignment can be found on front desk. You should be able to access it by clicking on the assignments button (on left). Use your andrew id/password to log in. The assignment is due Thurs, Sept 22nd at 11:59 pm. The theory part is due on Sept 14th during your recitation. If you cannot access frontdesk, please let your TA or an instructor know immediately.

Friday, September 02, 2011

Assigned recitations

Please make sure that you go to your assigned recitation section. We have limited space, so we cannot allow people to switch sections. Students on the wait list or auditing should stand in the back, if necessary. We usually have a number of students drop after the first couple of weeks, so this issue will probably go away soon.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

1st homework has been released

The first assignment can be found on front desk. You should be able to access it by clicking on the assignments button (on left). Use your andrew id/password to log in. The assignment is due Thurs, Sept 8 at 11:59 pm. If you cannot access frontdesk, please let your TA or an instructor know immediately.